Saturday, October 4, 2008

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

I am reading this book Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and it is very encouraging and insightful. I have to share this tibit that I read.
"On many occasions while writing this book, our four-yearo-old daughter has walked into my office and interrupted my work, which can be disruptive to a writer. What I have learned to do is to see the innocence in her behavior rather than to focus on the potential implications of her interruption. I remind myself why she is coming to see me- because she loves me. When I remember to see the innocence, I immediately bring forth a feeling of patience."
I know I tend to get involved in what I am working on and get frustrated at the little distractions but I am going to try to remember the innocence and how my babies just want my attention and they will not be little forever.

1 comment:

Beccalynn81 said...

That is so true! I saved some quotes from a magazine and put them on my fridge about the same type of things. I'll have to share them on my blog soon.