Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thanking the Lord

I am so distraught about the family who just lost their son tragically. Please remember the Holladay family who lost their son Saturday. The family has been on my mind all day and night. I can't imagine loosing one of my kids. I know this happens but to loose your child in the manner they lost their son is awful. I do wonder why this and why this family but I know the Lord will have the last say on the person who took their son away from them.
I sometimes think how hard I have it at times with all the screaming and fussing but some people would love to hear that again from their child. The closest I have been to loosing a child is when Caylin was giving a 50/50 chance of living and put on a vent. To see your child in that situation and knowing you have no control is the worst experience. When you look at your kids tonight you thank the Lord for giving them to you and give them a big kiss and hug and never let a day go by without telling them you love them. You don't realize how good you have it till you don't have it anymore.


rc said...

My heart goes out to the family. It never makes sense to lose a child, it is the hardest thing. You are suppose to go before your children. That's just the natural order of things! All I know is you should be thankful for every minute you have your children! They really are a gift from God. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for mine and my grandchildren. I also thank God for every minute we had Kyle in our lives. Someday I can ask the Lord why him, but more than likely, then it won't matter! Looking forward til that day!

Beccalynn81 said...

How did they lose him?

I'm very thankful for my children and do need to remember it each day...there are definitely moments I take it for granted. I can't imagine losing one.

Anonymous said...

No words can heal their heart but only our prayers and God . My children and all their family and all my family means so much to me. I love them dearly.