Sunday, August 10, 2008

Formula Strike

Oh my goodness, I have had a time with Colby. He has decided to go on a formula and bottle strike. I have been forcing him to eat and let me tell you that is very stressful and frustrating. I took him to the doctor and his ears and throat checked out good and he has gained weight (13.5 now) and the suggestion was to change formula. When I heard that I was like oh my not again. I was thinking it was thrush so they gave him some medicine to take for 7 days but nothing was making a dent so I did some research and I saw some comments about Enfamil Lactofree and the sweet taste so I got me a can and you know what, he took it! Thank goodness!! I thought ok this must be a fluke and I try to sneak in his other formula and he refused to take it and cried. Now tell me how does a 5 month old baby know and how does he suddenly think he needs another formula. I can't wait till they are both off formula. I hope he continues to do well. It I would have known to change a few weeks ago it would have been so much easier. I have been battling him for 3 weeks. Anybody ever had this happen to them??


Beccalynn81 said...

Luckily, I haven't had that happen before. Andrew is happy with his Enfamil and even takes the Walmart version! half the price! Glad you found something that worked.

Ashley said...

I am so glad that you found something that would work. What is Caylin taking?